Catch Up Sword News

We’ll not apologize for our absence last week, preoccupied as We were in the home salle in Vancouver.

It’s only when you hesitate while moving into what you ‘think’ is a guard - after you’ve been away for a half year -, that you recognize that ‘muscle memory’ isn’t going to cut it (no pun intended).

Our thanks to all Our patient drill partners who allowed us to rediscover what end goes ‘up’, let alone ‘forward’ – and still allowed us to retain some dignity.

There’s no theme to this fortnight’s offering, We’re just cleaning the cache!


Once more unto the breach

WESTERN MAIL (Cardiff, UK) 01 December 13  Modern day knights clash in castle battle - and it's no re-enactment

The festive season got started within Caerphilly Castle with the joyous ringing of maces against helms as more than 25 armed and armoured Welshmen  attempted to sort out who amongst them would merit inclusion on Team UK … and subsequently fight at  … Battle of the Nations.

The item briefly talks of the training regimen of the aspirants, the recent success of Team UK … but dwell most on the very real physical demands of this ‘niche sport’.

Despite watching his teammates suffer broken arms, dislocated shoulders, concussions and broken fingers, one participant said: “It is no more dangerous than rugby.”

And that’s high praise in Wales apparently!


No Clash of Cultures!

RUHR NACHRICHTEN (Dortmund, Germany) 27 November 13  Fechten - Auch eine Frage der Kultur  (Meike Holz)

For over 20 years, historical swordplay has been practiced in downtown Recklinghäusen.  The Studio Neues Fechten meets twice weekly to explore the use of longsword, sabre and sword and shield as they were ‘probably’ used.


The Studio members have sometimes come to longsword fighting from kendo experiences, and their sword and shield training is not so much guided by any particular ‘fightbook’ as it is by what ‘feels right’.

Without knowing the background of the master-of-arms for the group and how they actually conduct their historical swordplay, We find it intriguing to discover just what their bouts look and feel like and they have developed over two decades of independent exploration.


A Lady’s Touch, A Lady’s Thwart

RICHMOND AND TWICKENHAM TIMES (UK) 28 November 13  Sword fighting author offers slice of inspiration for HamptonSchool students (Clare Buchanan)

We’re fortunate as a community to have authors such as CC Humphreys and Neal Stephenson who include appropriate and realistic swordplay within their stories – no little in part due to the fact that they’re both active swordplay practitioners.

Well gentlemen, look to your blades, your ‘old boys club’ appears to be under siege by those traditionally considered to be ‘more gentle’.

Susan EE, creator of the Angelfall series was hosted by the (a ?) European Sword Fighting School (NFI) to explore just exactly what it meant to draw steel in earnest.

“There are lots of battles in my book and I wanted to make the scenes technically correct and authentic, and convey some of the emotion that people feel in a fight.”

Here’s hoping her books continue to be successful, and that she sticks with our art as well!


Snippets, Swords of Honour.

Honour 1; and the same to the true gentleman that returned the sword to its rightful heirs as well.

Honour 2, doing it the hard way though.

Honour 3.