Bits and Bobs

More Ephemera from Europe

More strange, wonderful, and weird horsey finds from my travels around Europe.  Back to regular blogging next week!

-- Jen

The Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and Military History - Brussels

Walking into the this museum in Brussels, you'd think Belgian military history began with Napoleon (Major Wes, this one's for you!).

A curb bit found in the fields at Waterloo
A curb bit found in the fields at Waterloo

The ground floor has an impressive display of sabres, uniforms, and firearms from the 1800s as well as some lovely equestrian paintings that are sadly unattributed (unless you get an audioguide -- something I have no patience for).

A Walter Kochs Russian cavalry officer’s saddle, late 19th – early 20th c.
A Walter Kochs Russian cavalry officer’s saddle, late 19th – early 20th c.








A very cushy Cossack’s saddle.
A very cushy Cossack’s saddle.









The last Tsarina, Alexandra Feodorovna, honorary colonel of the Empress Alexandra’s Lancers
The last Tsarina, Alexandra Feodorovna, honorary colonel of the Empress Alexandra’s Lancers

The next huge floor up contains WWI artifacts: tanks, artillery, equipment, paintings from the front and a few equestrian bronzes.  The WWII display on the upper floor is the most exhaustive and impressive of all, if you're into that (which, sadly, I'm not, since WWII featured a distinct lack of horses or swords).

Chemical attacks were a reality of the Great War. Of course, it was important for the horses to be prepared as well.
Chemical attacks were a reality of the Great War. Of course, it was important for the horses to be prepared as well.





WWI equine gas mask
WWI equine gas mask










A collection of mediaeval spurs.
A collection of mediaeval spurs.


After tiring our legs out on all this, plus the extensive aircraft collection, we finally found the mediaeval and early modern collection, tucked away on the other side of the building, with a separate entrance.

Slightly loony: a 15th c jousting helm.
Slightly loony: a 15th c jousting helm.

Here are a few photos I found interesting from a horsey point of view.

Not horse-related, but I found this halberd/pistol combo amusing
Not horse-related, but I found this halberd/pistol combo amusing

Upcoming Classes

Riding & Horsemanship Classes

Get ready for Carosella!

Riding & Horsemanship classes run in 6 week series.

Mounted Combat



Carosella 2016

date: Friday 9 September – Sunday 11 September
location: Red Colt Equestrian Farm Co-op, 12320 No 2 Road, Richmond
cost: $199 for the full 3-day weekend

For information, schedules and registration see our Carosella pages.

Jennifer Landels heads up Academie Duello's Cavaliere Program. She has been swordfighting since 2008, and riding since before she could walk. She started the program as an excuse to combine those passions.
Read more from Jennifer Landels.