What's Changing
In addition to the hybrid classes introduced last month, there will soon be distance learning courses available through the website. I expect to have those fully rolled out by August. In the meantime, those of you who aren't able to come to the barn in person can still take the online portions of Horsemanship classes held on Discord and I'm teaching two online workshops this month (see below).
What's Not Changing
Online Workshops
Art & Malice: The Mounted Grappling Plays of Fiore dei Liberi

You can register for the event here: https://us02web.zoom.us/
Swords Through the Centuries

Classes at Cornwall Ridge
Beginner Riding & Horsemanship
Just starting out, or been out of the saddle for a long time? This course is for you. In these four two-hour classes you will learn to catch, lead, groom, tack up and un-tack a horse before and after your group riding lesson. Our school horses are gentle teachers who will carry you safely while you learn to walk and trot through circles and turns, over poles, and around obstacles. Included free with the series is access to our online materials, plus two bonus live chat horsemanship discussions over Discord with our knowledgeable teachers.
Beginner Riding & Horsemanship
Sundays 11am – 1pm, 5 – 26 July
Online chat: Saturdays 10:30am – 11:30am, 11 & 25 July
cost: $250+gst
Instructor: Eleanor Landels
Riding & Horsemanship Level 2
If you have taken Beginner Riding & Horsemanship, or if you are comfortable at the walk and trot and are able to groom, tack up, and untack a horse on your own, you may be eligible to take Level 2. Call us at 604 304 0201 or email info@academiecavallo.ca if you’re unsure if this is the right class for you. Riding work includes walk, trot, and canter on the flat and over poles. Horsemanship material is similar to Level 1 but more in-depth. Includes access to our online materials, plus two bonus live chat horsemanship discussions over Discord.
Riding & Horsemanship Level 2
Sundays 10am – noon, 5 – 26 July
Online lectures: Saturdays 10:30am – 11:30am, 11 & 25 July
cost: $250+gst
Instructor: Isabel Landels
Riding Level 3
This class is for riders who are comfortable at walk, trot, and canter, and wanting to move on to jumping and/or more advanced dressage. Riding level three is required for the Blue Spur.
Riding Level 3
Sundays 10am – 11am, 5 – 26 July
cost: $190+gst
or add Horsemanship Level 3 for $60
Prerequisite: Riding Level 2
Instructor: Isabel Landels
Horsemanship Level 4
This course is taught in four online sessions and two in-person sessions over the course of two months. Topics include stable & pasture, feeding, trailering, foot & shoeing, cooling out, signs of good health, first aid, and when to call the vet. Horsemanship Level 4 is a requirement for the Blue Spur, or third level of the Mounted Combat program
Horsemanship Level 4
Sundays noon – 1pm, 19 July & 16 August
Online lectures: Mondays 7pm – 8pm, 13-27 July, 10 Aug
cost: $100+gst
or add to Riding Level 3+ for $60
Instructor: Isabel Landels
Online Only Horsemanship
Take any of the level 1, 2, or 4 Horsemanship sessions for $10 per class, or buy a punch card of 10 for $80.
Mounted Combat Fundamentals
This three-class series designed to train you in the fundamentals of swordplay for horseback, takes place every second week over five weeks. No prior experience is required.
Mounted Combat Fundamentals
Sundays 1pm – 3:30pm, 7, 21 June, 5 July
cost: $159+gst or $70 per class
Instructor: Dave Wayne
Mounted Combat Green Spur Class
Designed for sword practitioners at the apprentice (Green Cord or Green Spur) level, this class covers the swordplay skills you’ll need to assess for your Blue Spur, and gives insight into how swordplay alters from the ground to the horse.
Mounted Combat Green Spur Class
1st & 3rd Sunday of the month
cost: $50 per class, or two tuition credits
Instructor: Dave Wayne
Mounted Combat Mastery
If you have your Green Spur or higher, come and join us on horseback to work on swordplay, riding, games, and sparring skills. Those without Level 1 Riding are welcome to join us on the ground for on-foot versions of the plays and drills. Limit of 6 participants per class till future notice.
Mounted Combat Mastery
2nd & 4th Sunday of the month
cost: $75 per class, or three tuition credits
Instructor: Jennifer Landels
More details on tuition packages to come. If you have paid Academie Duello tuition for June you are still welcome to use those credits for Academie Cavallo classes.
All classes take place at Cornwall Ridge Farm, 21955 16 Ave in Langley.
I hope to see you soon, either on-screen or on horseback!