Prix Fiore Workshop this Friday

What is Prix Fiore?

‘Prix Fiore’ is a term coined by Academie Duello and refers to a dressage test that includes sword forms. The Prix Caprilli is a dressage test with jumps, named for Federico Caprilli, innovator of the modern jumping seat. With the Prix Fiore (named for Fiore dei Liberi, author of the 14th century combat manual, ‘Fior de Battaglia’) we keep the jumps, and add longsword guards and cuts to the sequence. In higher levels it can involve speed sections and other obstacles, similar to working equitation, and can be performed as a pas-de-deux (pairs) or quadrille (four riders). The exam for our Red Spur rank requires candidates perform a Prix Fiore test.Prix Fiore 2

What makes a Prix Fiore test significantly more difficult than a regular dressage or Prix Caprilli test, is that the movements are ridden with a sword in one hand. This means the horse must have even more self-carriage and responsiveness to the hand and legs, and the rider must have precise and subtle seat and leg aids to compensate for the decrease in rein aids.

The purpose of the test is to demonstrate all the manoeuvres a mounted warrior and her horse may need on the battlefield, from lateral movements, to jumping obstacles, to performing attacks and defenses at all paces with an independent seat. The test may be used to judge either the horse, the rider, or a combination of both. For our Red Spur, it is the rider that is being marked.

Prix Fiore Workshop

This Friday, June 20th, there will be a Prix Fiore workshop from 6-8pm at Red Colt. Riders should have a minimum of Riding Level 1 (or permission from the instructor) to participate. There will be both a beginner and intermediate section. In both we will be focussing on single-handed reining, leg aids & lateral movements, balancing the horse and regulating pace.

In the beginner section we will also work on

A typical low level Prix Caprilli test
A typical low level Prix Caprilli test
  • Riding the dressage test
  • The guard progression at all paces
  • Prix Caprilli with trot poles
  • Pairs work

The intermediate section will include

  • Single-handed jumping
  • Changing pace (speed to collection and vice versa)
  • Riding the Prix Caprilli test
  • Prix Fiore flat ride

Intermediate riders may sign up for both sections, space permitting. To register contact the front desk at 604 568 9907 (there is no online registration for this session).

Prix Fiore Workshop
Friday 20 June, 6-8pm
Red Colt Equestrian Farm Co-op
cost: $60+gst or 1 flex-pack credit
Instructor: Jennifer Landels
Pre-requisite: Riding level 1 or permission from the instructor

Upcoming Classes & Workshops

Cavaliere Classes
Saturdays, 21 & 28 June
time: 4:00 – 7:30pm
cost: $60 1 flex-pack credit

There are just two Cavaliere classes left before we take a break in July. Classes will resume in August.  If this is too long a time to spend out of the saddle, remember you can use your package credits for private riding lessons.

Mounted Games Practice
Friday 27 June
time: 5-7pm
cost: $5; $15 with use of school horse
pre-requisite: Riding Level 1

Practise your hand-offs, pick-ups, put-downs and flying changes to improve your chances at Carosella this September.

Open Barn
Come out and practise your horsemanship, riding or sword skills at our monthly Open Barn.  This is a chance to work on the areas you need to.  Riders must have their level 1 riding or equivalent, but those without level 1 can work on grooming, handling and swordplay.

date: Sunday 29 June, 1-4pm
cost: $10 to ride a school horse; for horsemanship or with your own horse, free!

Cross-country schooling
Friday 4 July
time: 6-8pm
cost: $60 or 1 flex-pack credit
pre-requisite: Riding Level 2

Starting at 6pm I will take two groups of up to 4 riders cross country schooling in the back fields.  Riders must have a minimum of riding level 2.

Intro to Mounted Combat Workshop
Sunday 6 July
time: 10am – 1pm
location: Red Colt Equestrian Farm Co-op, 12320 No 2 Road, Richmond
cost: $149

A taste of everything in the program.  Learn about grooming and tacking up, get some swordplay fundamentals, and ride a horse with sword in hand.
prerequisites: none

Mounted Combat Workshop
Sunday 6 July
time: 1- 4pm
location: Red Colt Equestrian Farm Co-op, 12320 No 2 Road, Richmond
cost: $60

Swordplay from the ground, the falsemount, and from horseback.
prerequisites: Intro to Mounted Combat or permission from the instructor

Mounted Combat Skills
Sunday 27 July
time: 1-4pm
location: Academie Duello
cost: $60 or 1 flex-pack credit

This on-the-ground session is vital for developing your swordplay, spear and wrestling skills and to sign off your green and blue spur checklists.  Sessions take place at Academie Duello on the ground and from the falsemount.

Private & Group Riding Lessons
Mondays 23 & 30 June, 5 - 8pm

To make up for the lack of Cavaliere Classes in July I will be adding some extra private and group lessons.  I currently have spaces available on Monday evenings in June.  Some Wednesday & Tuesday spaces are available as well.  Contact me directly at jennifer (at) to book.

Mark your Calendars

Beginner & Intermediate Horseback Archery: Saturday 9 August

Carosella 2014: Friday – Sunday 12-14 September

Jennifer Landels heads up Academie Duello's Cavaliere Program. She has been swordfighting since 2008, and riding since before she could walk. She started the program as an excuse to combine those passions.
Read more from Jennifer Landels.