Duelling with Cause 2018

Duelling with Cause returns on Friday, June 8th 2018!

House Stark stood upon the stage of last year's event victorious. Now they challenge the fighters and supporters of the great opposing houses to return to Academie Duello to fight for honour, fun, and charity!

Join Academie Duello and Mission-Possible for one of this year's most unique and exciting charitable evenings featuring dancing, games, canapés, and swordplay!

Partial event proceeds go to support Mission Possible's programs for re-equipping homeless people battling poverty to find purpose and employment and Academie Duello's Knight Camp scholarship program that empowers kids in disadvantaged households to learn self-empowerment, leadership, and martial arts all through the lens of knightly training.

Ticket Available Now!

When You Arrive

After 8pm, you’ll step through our doors into our beautiful candlelit hall. An attendant will welcome you and give you the badge of one of our noble houses. You’ll then receive a purse of coins… That’s when the fun begins.

The Tournament

Before midnight strikes the houses must determine who will be this year’s champion–and what better way to do this than with a tournament of skill and honour? Each household has a champion who will fight the champions of all the others. How well prepared they are is up to you.

From 8:30 to 10:30 your champion will meet a challenge from each of the others. Spend your coins to help equip your champion or sabotage your opponents.

Cheer on your champions, watch amazing sword fights, and toast the victors!

Perhaps make a wager to earn some more coins, or give a donation to Mission-Possible and reap the reward of more riches to skew the odds in your favour.

At 10:45 the two most valiant champions will face one another in the finals of our tournament and the house that wins will hold their glory over all the others! But we’ll all celebrate because the winnings go to charity!

A Little Swordplay For You

If watching isn't enough for you try your hand with a blade by sabreing a bottle of champagne with a two handed sword or snuffing candles with a rapier.

Our experts are on hand to teach you the finer points of cut and thrust.

Tease Your Tastebuds

Through the evening, enjoy the tasty canape creations of Chef Kari Chellouf. Vegetarian and gluten free options will be available.

Cocktails and Fun

Enjoy swordplay themed cocktails from our excellent bar staff. Socialize with an amazing crowd and enjoy great music from our house DJs. There's even room to kick off your shoes and dance or dance with a blade at one of our sword experience stations.


Get Your Tickets

Don't miss the most fun, unique, and exciting event of the year! Tickets get you all this fun, plus a free drink, and it's all for two great causes: Academie Duello's Knight Camp scholarships and Mission Possible's employment programs in the Downtown East Side.

Early Bird Tickets $80.
Regular Price $95

Available Here!
Space is limited.


Devon Boorman is the Co-Founder and Director of Academie Duello Centre for Swordplay, which has been active in Vancouver, Canada since 2004. Devon’s expertise centres on the Italian swordplay tradition including the arts of the Renaissance Italian rapier, sidesword, and longsword, as well as knife and unarmed techniques.
Read more from Devon Boorman.