On Thursday July 13th, Academie Duello hosted a Mounted Combat day for competitors on the International Mounted Games Exchange. Twenty fifteen-year-olds plus coaches and chaperones from the UK, USA, Australia, and across Canada made Red Colt a stop on their two-week tour of the Lower Mainland and the Island.

Putting Old Skills to New Work

The teams each got mini lessons in longsword, spear, archery, and mounted combat, before ending the day with a few passes of horse archery at walk and canter. It was a pleasure to work with skilled games riders, as it meant we could cover much more material in the mounted section than we normally would in a 40 minute mini-lesson.

Many of the skills came easily to them, such as thrusting with spear and sword. Others, like cuts, parries, and shooting at the canter take a bit more practice. But all of them left with big smiles on their faces, and a taste of mediaeval martial arts to take back home.

Horseback Archery Returns in August
Want to try shooting from horseback yourself? Our Beginner and Intermediate Horseback Archery workshops with Robert Borsos are happening August 6th.
Beginner Horseback Archery
Whether you are an expert rider or archer, or a complete beginner at both, this is your starting point. You will spend about an hour and a half on the ground learning the techniques of Hungarian archery from the Kassai school. After that, you will begin shooting from horseback while our handlers lead your mounts past the targets at the walk. Experienced riders may have the option to try shooting at faster paces without handlers if they are competent and comfortable at the walk.
Sunday 6 Aug, 10am – 1pm
cost: $149 + gst
prerequisites: none
Intermediate Horseback Archery
If you have taken our Beginner course previously and have a minimum of Riding Level 1 or the equivalent this course is for you. Riders with Level 1 will walk and trot, Level 2 Riders will be able to shoot at the canter. Last time we practised multiple targets on canter circles — what will we get up to this time?
Sunday 6 Aug, 2pm – 5pm
cost: $75 + gst
prerequisites: Riding Level 1, Beginner Horseback Archery