It’s All Greek to Me Sword Press

We love Our Job!  Wander through the worlds’ press, looking for articles about HEMA/WMA.  And to find such an item in the historical home of the sarissa, is especially satisfying.  HEMA/WMA is on the rise in North America and western Europe, but We also have a foothold in China, Japan … and … Greece!

This – Is – Not – Sparta!

IN2LIFE (Halandri?, Greece) 10 May 13  Μεσαιωνική Σπαθασκία: Μαθήματα για σύγχρονους ιππότες (Νικόλα Γεωργιακώδη)

Arma Hellas  under George Zaxaropoulos is bringing the fighting arts of Liechtenauer, Fiore dei Liberi, and other like-minded souls back to the birthplace of western martial arts.

Historically correct ‘medieval armed combat’ using knives, javelins, sword axes and wrestling are now offered to the Greek public (average age of current members is about 23), and a children’s program emphasising chivalric values (and sword play) is soon to follow.

Most of the article’s subjects would be very familiar to most North American HEMA/WMA practitioners, except perhaps the problem that there is no source of spar-ready swords in Greece!

Zaxaropoulos and his partner also are advising a local film maker on recreating ‘realistic fights’ for an upcoming movie.  “Normally battles in the Middle Ages end in 10 to 15 seconds … but Hollywood wants to drag out the fight scenes and show heroes fighting each other’s sword for hours …”

Your Word of the Week: spathaskia (Σπαθασκία)

The (sword)plays the Thing! (Apologies to Hamlet Act 2, Scene 2)

TIMES-PICAYUNE (New Orleans, Louisiana) 16 May 13  The craft of stage combat was a highlight of Chalmette High's 'Three Musketeers': Class Act (Barry Lemoine)

We often highlight articles that describe in detail how stage combat is used (or mis-used) within current ‘cultural arts’.  But how many times does the term “the craft of stage combat” headline a press item?

Our journalist presents a sympathetic but all-too-short explanation of what is involved in Shelley Rucker making sure that the audience gets to watch an authentic (and safe) sword fighting experience.

“It’s all about safety and being a good and giving partner.”

And if you get it right, with ‘professional’ stage actors, you end up with an accolade such as this … “The fight choreography, coupled with the exuberant music of composer/musical director Konstantine Lortkpanidze, completely dominates the competent script written by Ben Cunis and his brother Peter Cunis. The energetic battles and leaping about are so much fun that you find yourself waiting to get through the dialogue so you can enjoy the next fight scene.”


THE LOCAL (Switzerland) 24 May 13  Appenzell Innerhoden enjoys 'pure democracy'

So, do your local by-laws forbid you from carrying your favourite blade downtown?

"This is the only place in the world … where a weapon serves as voter ID."

HUDDERSFIELD DAILY EXAMINER (UK)  27 May 13 Kirkburton folk dancing club launches drive to keep swords swinging

To arms, to arms!  The Kirkburton Rapier Dancers are under threat!