It's a new month on Duello.TV. We have some exciting topics ahead for you including control with the rapier, use of the rapier and dagger, as well as the buckler and cloak. On the longsword front expect to see videos on use of the Finestra guards starting next week. We are also continuing our series on Applied Combatives, this week the focus is practice at different speeds and changing speeds.
Green Cord (Level 1)
Gaining control of the opponent can be considered through two simple attitudes of movement: 1. As you move toward your opponent (approaching), and 2. As your opponent moves toward you (receiving). This month the focus is approaching. As we usually do, we're going to start with fundamental mechanics of movement and the core understanding of measure (the distance between you and the opponent).
Blue Cord (Level 2)
Whether you are using a bare offhand or are carrying a dagger, the sword and offhand work most effectively when they work together. In our opening lessons for this month on use of the offhand with and without dagger, we are looking at how to form shapes that unify the sword and the offhand to defend both high and low on the same line. This joined defence is easier to manage and harder to defeat by the opponent.
Red Cord (Level 3)
Applied Combatives
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