More Bow than Sword News

With the imminent release of the Hunger Games sequel later this month, We're not surprised that the press is covering more of archery lately than they are swordplay, jousting, or stage combat (though We supposed one could make an argument that bow use in film could fall into the fight-managers’ realm!)

Of note though, is the consistent theme in the following – and previous press, that the ‘recruits’ if you will, within the bow-and-arrow sport/art are being dominated by significant numbers of young women.  And those they seem to be using their introduction to the sport to serve as a fitness program, stress release, a hobby of historical interest or as a tool to personal empowerment.

But let’s not make the mistake of thinking that we’re headed for a ‘schism’ within the medieval/renaissance HEMA/WMA discipline … with the ladies over ‘there’ with the feather-fletched arrows, and the men over ‘here’ with the ‘real swords’.

Just remember; after taking out six of your best armoured buds climbing up that hill to get to archery line, those up top are in excellent position to put down their bows and then take up their own swords and finish what they started!

[Of Agincourt 1415]  “And when their arrows were all used up, seizing axes, stakes and sword …

Loades, Mike.  The Longbow.  Osprey Publishing, Oxford UK. 2013.  P. 17.


A Problem We would all Like to Have?

CALGARY HERALD (Alberta) 07 November 13  Thanks to Hollywood, archery’s taking off — especially with girls (Andrew Penner)

“Whenever a Hollywood movie comes out with archery as a major component, we see a huge spike in interest,” says Brain Struthers, the President of the Calgary Archers, a local archery club that’s realizing significant growth.  “We went from very few girls participating in the junior program to close to 50/50 in a very short time.“

“This fall they were lined up around the building to register for the junior programs,” says head instructor Lindsay Struthers, “We currently have about 140 kids in the program and 70 kids on the waiting list. I’d love to accommodate everyone, but I just don’t have enough instructors.”

Chatty Challengers to the Status Quo!

SYDNEY MORNING HERALD (Australia) 09 November 13  A quiver full of fun: teenage girls target archery (Lucy Carroll)

A 60 per cent jump in Australian archery club membership – driven in the main part by teenaged women, has result in some of the 132 clubs there having to maintain a three-week waiting list for archer-aspirants!

''It's a particular type of person that takes up archery,'' David Robinson, a coach on the central coast, ''They tend to be very driven people. You have to be calm because you won't shoot accurately if you're uptight.''

''If they do drug tests on (Olympic) archers they aren't looking for steroids, they're looking for sedatives.''

The Point of Product Placement

SALT LAKE TRIBUNE (Utah) 07 November 13  Utah bow, arrow makers create Katniss Everdeen’s ‘Catching Fire’ rig (Matthew Piper)

And as certain sword forges are able to sell well-made replicas of famous movies swords, the Hoyt bow makers are seeing a surge in interest about their line of equipment; thanks to the bow used by one Katniss Everdeen and featured on the movie poster.

Oh yes, membership in USA Archery has increased 48 percent in the 18 months since the first "Hunger Games" movie!

Old School Loosing!

SKY (Rome, Italy) 10 October 13  Il Brasile cerca arcieri, pronti gli indios dell'Amazzonia

In preparation for the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janiero, Brazil’s Ministry of sport has selected about 60 boys, 14-19, from some of the national 200 indigenous ethnic groups that still use the bow for day-to-day hunting (and some localized, intermittent warfare if the truth be told).

It’s hoped that some of these ‘born to the bow’ archers will be able to improve upon their traditional techniques and abilities in such a way as to win a medal in international competition.

There’s no word yet on that young Brazilian women think of this initiative!

Sword as Symbol

EL UNIVERSAL (Caracas, Venezuela) 15 October 13  La espada de Bolívar (José Félix Díaz Bermúdez)

This item is a passionate defence of Simon Bolivar’s sword as a symbol of all that is right with the struggle for democracy within some South American countries; and the author’s concern that the sword-as-symbol is being used to support some government and social initiatives that the original wielder would never have approved of.

“This admirable sword is full of past achievements; it symbolizes courage and heroic sacrifice, demands commitments, was shaped on the anvil of patriotism and tempered in the fire of freedom …”

Sword as Symbol II

RHEINISCHE POST (Düsseldorf, Germany) 08 November 13  Das Klingenmuseum präsentiert das goldene Schwert des Bolivar...

And in keeping with todays’ sole sword  theme, a gold-replica of Bolivar’s sword was donated to Germany’s ‘Klingenmuseum’ or ‘blade museum’ in Solingen-Gräfrath.  Apparently, a Solingen-area sword smith has a great tradition of making the same historical replicas.



And from Comikaze Expo, We have some comments from Patricia Gonsalves (Head of the Academie Duello Archery Program) … and some of her peers about the effect that archery is having on popular culture.

“When the trainee had learned the cuts, points and guards … “