Double the Swordplay Opportunities at Cornwall Ridge | Academie Duello

Two Feet vs Four: Defeating the Mount Opponent

Red Spur Swordplay from the Ground Last week we looked at the general advantages and disadvantages the combatant on the ground faces when up against a rider.  This week I'll get a little more specific and give you some plays you can use.  This is a sample only, not an all-encompassing toolbox of tactics, but…

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Two Feet vs Four: Facing the Mounted Opponent.

Red Spur Swordplay from the Ground The first section of the Red Spur Mounted Combat Skills section is Swordplay from the Ground.  Your first checkbox is: Demonstrate five plays from the ground against a mounted opponent. Facing the Mounted Opponent from the Ground To a foot soldier, I can imagine very few more frightening sights…

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