This Sunday from 1 - 4pm the arena at Red Colt will be alive once more with the thunder of hooves, the twang of bowstrings and the clash of swords for our August Playday.
Mounted Games
Anyone with Riding Level 1 or the equivalent can participate in these non-combative games of speed and skill, such as ring-spearing, stick-pegging, quintain etc. This is where most of the points in the Carosella Tournament are available to be won, so practise now to be precise and swift in September.
Don't have your Riding Level 1 yet? Sign up for Beginner Riding & Horsemanship starting August 2nd to be ready for Carosella.
Horseback Archery
If you have taken Beginner Horseback Archery with us before and also have your Riding Level 1 you can take place in the shooting competition.
Missed the Horseback Archery workshop? Sign up for Carosella 2015where you can take both Beginner and Intermediate Horseback Archery.
Mounted Sparring
Mounted Sparring is open to anyone who has acquired the Green Spur rank of our program.
If you'd like to join in the fun but don't yet have your Green Spur consider our new Mounted Combat classes scheduled to start up on August 9th. Registration will open this Friday, July 31st, and spaces will be limited. See below for details!
Volunteers Needed and Spectators Welcome!
Come out and lend a hand setting up equipment, timekeeping, and referreeing to earn credits for future playdays. And if you just want to pop by to see what's happening you are more than welcome to lean on the fence rail.
This the last playday before Carosella 2015, so make sure you get your game on before the championships!
Horseback Archery
The Beginner Horseback Archery class with Instructor Robert Borsos and assistants on the ground.
The morning drizzle gave way to another beautiful day of Horseback Archery with Borsos Torzs Horse Archery at Red Colt last Sunday. The beginner class progressed so quickly they hardly deserved the name 'beginner', and the intermediate class was racking up bulleyes at the canter left right and center. If you haven't yet tried the exhilaration of shooting arrows from horseback, be sure to sign up for Carosella 2015 to catch the last workshop of the year!
This six-class course is designed to help the beginning rider achieve Horsemanship and Riding Level 1. The cost of the course includes one free riding or horsemanship assessment. Students can expect to be ready to assess Horsemanship Level 1 at the end of the six classes. Readiness for Riding Level 1 typically takes two iterations of the course.
Sundays 2 Aug – 6 Sep, 10am – noon
Prerequisites: none. Intro to Mounted Combat recommended.
cost: $300 (6 classes); individual classes (space permitting): $60 each
This six-class course is designed to help the riders achieve Horsemanship and Riding Level 2. The cost of the course includes one free riding or horsemanship assessment. Students can expect to be ready to assess Horsemanship Level 2 at the end of the six classes. Readiness for Riding Level 2 typically takes two iterations of the course.
A six-class series for riders working on Level 3 and up. Group lessons consist of up to four riders. Additional time slots are added as needed, and riders are grouped by level as much as possible. Riders are expected to arrive at least half an hour before class and have their horses groomed, tacked up, and partially warmed up before the lesson starts.
Sundays 2 Aug – 6 Sep, 10:30 – 11:30am
Prerequisite: Riding Level 2 or permission from the instructor
cost: $200 for six classes; single classes: $45 space permitting.
Our playdays are a lot of fun, and are an opportunity to use your skills in a mini-tournament. Plus, the winner gets free entry into the next one! We do mounted games, horseback archery and mounted sparring. This is the last playday before Carosella, so make sure you take the opportunity to up your game before the big event!
Sunday 2 Aug, 1-4pm
Prerequisites: Riding Level 1; Beginner Horseback Archery (for archery); Green Spur (for mounted sparring)
cost: $15 with own horse; $30 with school horse
Prix Fiore is a riding test that includes jumps and sword work. In this one and a half hour clinic riders will practise pas-de-deux and quadrille dressage movements along with tandem jumps and choreographed sword work.
Friday 7 August, 6:00 – 7:30pm
Instructor: Jennifer Landels
Prerequisite: Riding Level 1 or equivalent
cost: $45 (own horse); $60 (school horse) Sign up for any four Friday Clinics for only $180 (4 for the price of 3)!
Work on speed and accuracy with Prince Phillip Games Master rider Kate Landels. In this one and a half hour session you will learn tricks of the trade for better pickups, hand-offs, targetting, mounting and dismounting, and will also have a chance to practice the mounted games featured in our playdays and tournaments.
Friday 21 August, 6:00 – 7:30pm
Instructor: Kate Landels
Prerequisite: Riding Level 1 or equivalent
cost: $45 (own horse); $60 (school horse) Sign up for any four Friday Clinics for only $180 (4 for the price of 3)!
The second of two clinics with Veli and Sherry Leväaho of Leväaho Classical Horsemanship. Work on your aids, your seat, and your horse's responsiveness
Friday 28 August, 6:00 – 7:30pm
Instructors: Veli & Sherry Leväaho
Prerequisite: Riding Level 1 or equivalent
cost: $45 (own horse) $60 (school horse) Sign up for any four Friday Clinics for only $180 (4 for the price of 3)!
Dressage is the basis for all riding, and Mounted Combat is no exception. In this one and a half hour session coach Stephanie Laversin will help you hone your half-halts, achieve better bend, and sharpen your lateral work with an eye to the movements most useful for combat.
Friday 4 September, 6:00 – 7:30pm
Instructor: Stephanie Laversin
Prerequisite: Riding Level 1 or equivalent
cost: $45 (own horse) $60 (school horse) Sign up for any four Friday Clinics for only $180 (4 for the price of 3)!
Horse Day at the PNE
Join us at the PNE for Horse Day! We will be doing a mounted combat demonstration, and have a booth and stalls in the Agrodome stables. Volunteers needed to talk to the public and share your love of horses and swordplay!
Our three day symposium and tournament of mounted combat, mounted archery, and mounted games. Join us for workshops and lectures on Friday and Saturday, and stay to compete on Sunday!
Friday – Sunday, 11-13 September 2015
Prerequisite: Workshops available for beginner, intermediate and advanced riders.
Please see last year’s write-up for more information.
cost: $199 (full day); $125 (one day); $90 (Sunday tournament – school horse); $75 (Sunday tournament – own horse)
Jennifer Landels heads up Academie Duello's Cavaliere Program. She has been swordfighting since 2008, and riding since before she could walk. She started the program as an excuse to combine those passions. Read more from Jennifer Landels.