Welcome to this week in training at Academie Duello. In our training at the studio we are looking at counter-attacking as a method of defence (Green Cord), the second assault of sidesword (Blue Cord), and how to enter into grapples with the longsword when you've lost the crossing (Red Cord).
On Duello.TV we have created a new featured videos area called Workshop Review. Members can now access compiled videos that are relevant to recent workshops delivered at Academie Duello or abroad by Devon Boorman and Academie Duello instructors. Right now you'll find videos relevant to workshops delivered at Armizare Academy and the World Wide Open Championship.
Green Cord (Level 1)
This week level 1 students are examining the use of the rapier guards as a response to attack. These positions protect the head through cover behind the guard and the lower body through position. Students then examine how to use these positions to not only defend but strike simultaneously in contra-tempo.

Blue Cord (Level 2)
This week we are looking at the first 3 parts of Marozzo's Second Assault. This assault focuses on opening an opponent by forcing them to rapidly defend on both sides of their body as well as high and low. This type of movement draws the opponent into chasing with their sword or buckler and thus opening up the outside lines or the centreline.

Red Cord (Level 3)
Last week we looked at how we could use a winning position in giocco stretto to enter into wrestle. In this week's classes we look at how we can use the same position but from the losing side to enter into the same wrestles following an adaptive strategy.
Solo Exercise of the Week
In this week's fundamental exercise we are working on making the mezzani blows with the longsword when the sword begins on the centreline. This is an interesting exercise for throwing a very deceptive blow that requires finesse and precision.