Day Five I have a confession to make. I was neither able to attend Class 5 nor was I able to take advantage of the evening classes to make up for it. What’s a sword-fighting student to do? Thankfully, my trusty blade-wielding comrades filled me in on the general content for the class, and, wonderfully,…
Tag: cutting

Swordplay from the Falsemount
Blue Spur Curriculum: Cutting from the Falsemount What is a falsemount? Our falsemounts are simply wooden horses from which we can safely work on perfecting techniques with steel weapons without the distraction of an animal with a mind of it's own, or the worry of injuring it. Falsemounts don't buck, bite or bolt, and most…
Video Lessons: Defenses Against the Cut; Longsword Thrusts; Cutting Hands
Because of the holiday our last week of curriculum for the year has come a week early. This week we conclude our work on rapier cuts, sidesword cutting, and the core defences of the longsword. In Longsword Focus we look at cutting to the opponent's hands and next week we'll look more thoroughly at how…
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Video Lessons: Recovering Cuts, Sidesword Lines; Longsword Defenses and Counter-Cutting
This week we're going to be using the cut to get ourselves out of some challenging situations. With the rapier at level 1 (Green Cord), we're going to be using a cut to regain control of the opponent's sword. At level 2 (Blue Cord) we'll be building our precision and fluidity in sidesword cutting. At…
Video Lessons: Stringere via the Cut, Sidesword Shield Positions; Longsword Quadrant Defenses and Counter Cutting
We're into the second week of our month on cutting at Academie Duello. This week we're exploring the use of the cut to control the sword of the opponent (Green - level 1), the use of the buckler with the heavier sidesword (Blue - level 2) and the core defences of the longsword against various…
Lesson Videos: Cutting Mechanics for the Rapier, Sidesword and Longsword; Longsword Mezzani Attacks and Tactics
This month we are taking the techniques out to three separate weapons: the rapier, sidesword, and longsword, with each we will be exploring the fundamentals of how to cut effectively, efficiently, and safely. If you have the opportunity, follow the exercises at each level so you can deepen your understanding of this essential form of…
Duello.TV for October 1st: Rapier offhand, dagger, and disarms, plus longsword sequence
It's the turn of a new month so again our curriculum focus shifts. This month Green Cords (level 1) will be learning to use their offhand to support their defence, Blue Cords (level 2) will be stepping into the fundamentals of Rapier and Dagger, and Red Cords (level 3) are working into rapier disarms with…
Duello.TV: Recovering with Cuts and Refused, Double Sword Defence, & Longsword Cutting
Welcome to your training for this week at Academie Duello and on Duello.TV. Green cords continue their work on cutting, in this week using cuts to recover from bad positions; Blues recover from disadvantaged positions by passing back into refused; and Reds will be using two swords to cover against powerful cuts. Green Cord (Level…