Class 5 begins and we are back to the rapier. My body is sore from yesterday’s Sun Run and I cannot focus. I am embarrassed by my inability to grasp what is being asked of me. I think I understand, but cannot execute the movements requested. Thankfully, our odd number makes it possible for me to…
Tag: tempo

Duello.TV for this Week and a Few Updates on the World of WMA
The last week has been an interesting week in Western Martial Arts. The Audatia sword fighting card game being spearheaded by Guy Windsor of the Helsinki Sword School has well surpassed its funding target on IndieGoGo and is into some cool stretch targets. This project is absolutely worth funding so I recommend you follow the link and…
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What's the most important thing in comedy?
"So... why didn't that work the way you wanted to?" "I didn't move fast enough." This is a conversation I often have with my students in class. The student has correctly identified an issue in tempo (typically everything else is being done correctly) but they've made a mistake in the aspect of tempo that…
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This week in class at Academie Duello - Vids
This post provides links to videos for every lesson we covered in the Mastery Program at Academie Duello for July 16 to 22. This week Green Cords (level 1) learn about control of the opponent's sword and take advantage of their opponent's movement to strike. Blue Cords (level 2) continue their work on provocations by…
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Thursday Drilling Recap: Rapier Collection Drills
Every Thursday I get together with a few of my senior students and we work on drills, sparring exercises, and body mechanics. Generally I have us stick to fairly fundamental exercises. I personally just love working on fundamentals and have found that this is always where the greatest opportunity for improvement lies, no matter…
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