Ask for Support, Not Instruction

Say that your car has broken down. You go ask your friends for recommendations of a good mechanic. You don’t ask for recommendations on how to fix it yourself with zero automotive knowledge, and then do your best to follow the instructions on what “worked for them”. Health and fitness are weird. You can do…

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Changing behaviors: Shape Your Environment to Guarantee Success

Plants grow because the environment is right. Often a seed will sit waiting inert in the ground until the conditions are perfect to give it the best chance of success before it starts to grow. The only difference between you and that seed is that you can change your environment to create the best possible…

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Learn to swordfight again from scratch. Learn new things about yourself!

What Have You Failed At Today?

"What have you failed at today?" This question is one that a friend's father used to ask her and her brother every day at dinner. I found the story inspiring. This question, as well as her father's warm approach in how he asked it, contained so many positive questions and affirmations: What did you try today?…

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Resolve to Ride in 2017

I hate New Year's resolutions.  They don't stick, and they end up making you feel guilty before you even flip the calendar to February.  But I do like goals.  Especially goals that are useful and achievable all year round.  And whether you like New Year's resolutions or not, January is a great time to peer…

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