Rugging up and off

Horsemanship Level 4: Saddlery pt III Finally (yes, it's been a couple of months!) the last part of the Horsemanship Level 4 requirements is demonstrating how to correctly put on and remove a horse blanket. First take a look at these two videos, the first of Ali & Noah from Pony Prep series. BlanketingWatch this…

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On the Nose: fitting nosebands

Horsemanship Level 4: Saddlery pt II For Level 4 Horsemanship you will need to be able to fit not just your own tack, but other common parts of saddlery as well.  This week we'll consider nosebands. Why a noseband? The variety of nosebands used today is a relatively modern invention. Mediaeval and early modern riders…

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Saddles: Getting the Right Fit

Horsemanship Level 4: Saddlery pt I The final checklist item for Horsemanship 4 is: 10. Saddlery. Fit and care of own tack. Identify & fit nosebands, girths & common tack. Put on & remove a blanket. Once more, this is a large topic that we'll break down into several posts, looking at saddle fitting this…

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Home Care for Horses

Horsemanship Level 4: Vet & First Aid pt III Last week for this topic we looked at discerning emergency versus non-emergency ailments of the horse. This week we'll cover treatments of some minor illnesses and injuries. Thrush Thrush is a foul-smelling infection that occurs in the grooves (sulci) of the hoof on either side of…

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Conditioning: Making it Work

Horsemanship Level 4: Conditioning pt I The checklist item for Level 4 conditioning read: 7. Work vs. exercise. Warm-up and cooling out, reasons why. This week we will examine fitness, work, and excercise, and then look at warm-up and cool-down next week. Condition Along with his conformation, your horse's condition determines the type of activities…

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Conformation and Unsoundness: Pick a Leg, Any Leg

Horsemanship Level 4: Identifying Lameness When you deepen your study of conformation you will begin to look at its effects on a horse's movement, which can tell you much about its ability, soundness, and scope.  For Level 4 Horsemanship, we ask you to begin sharpening your eye by identifying unsoundness and distinguishing which leg is…

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Conformation: Built to Work

Horsemanship Level 4: Conformation & Unsoundness pt II Previously we looked at types of horses, their differing builds and their abilities.  This week we'll examine general conformation, and what to look for when assessing any horse. Over centuries of domestication, selective breeding has created the variety of breeds and types we looked at in the…

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Feeding (and Watering) the Beasts

Horsemanship Level 4: Feeding The Feeding section of the Level Four checklist is quite large: 4.  Feeding rules & how implemented. Common grains, concentrates & processing methods. Own routine & ration. This week in the blog we'll take a look at the rules of feeding, and next week we will examine types of grain. In…

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Stable & Pasture: the Good and the Bad

Horsemanship Level 4: Stable & Pasture The Stable & Pasture assessment for Level 4 requires you to: 2. Identify good & bad features of setup, emphasizing safety. Clean a stall, choice of tools. This means you now need to apply judgement to your knowledge.  Very few stables are ideal.  We often wish our pastures, paddocks,…

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A Workmanlike Turnout

Horsemanship Level 4: Turnout Horsemanship 4 is the first level in our program in which you will be examined on your appearance. 1. Candidate’s turnout. Safe, tidy, clean, AD shirt, footwear, hair, gloves. At first glance it may seem superficial or trivial to have a dress code.  Indeed, at earlier levels we only require that…

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